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Lapband Surgery India

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  1. You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
  2. +91-9373055368 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
  3. Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.

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Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Overview

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding is a convenient option for long-term weight loss. Due to the use of laparoscopic instruments, this procedure is minimally invasive consisting of the placement of a band around your stomach, creating a pseudo-pouch that allows you to feel full after eating. With gastric banding the size of the pouch only allows a small portion of food at a time, which contributes actively to permanent weight loss over time.

Losing weight is sustained in most patients that undergo laparoscopic gastric banding, who generally lose the excess weight in the term of 1 to 2 years. Because the gastric band placed in the stomach only allows patients to consume 3 small portions of food per day, most of them feel satisfied between meals, and regain control over their life. The new stomach poach contributes to losing weight consistently until your goal weight is reached and after that, you will not be overweight again, unless you reverse the treatment or force your stomach to enlarge, making the gastric banding procedure useless. Stretching of the stomach occurs when a person eats larger portions to the point of vomiting.

Vomiting by itself does not cause stretching, but if the person faces the discomfort, forcing the vomit over and over (like in bulimia), this can cause the stomach to stretch. However, patients usually do not reverse the surgery and end up learning new and healthy eating habits and the weight loss is permanent after gastric banding.

You can qualify for Laparoscopic Gastric Banding if your body mass index (BMI) is more than 40 kg/m2 for at least five years, the index at which obesity begins. Although there is a lower acceptable limit of 36 kg/m2 for men, and 38 kg/m2 for women, meaning that also a few overweight people may qualify, and not only obese individuals.

The other requirements to meet when it comes to undergoing a gastric banding procedure include an upper age limit of 55 years, or maybe up to 60 depending on your overall health. You will also be considered if you have a medical history of repeated unsuccessful weight reduction attempts, and acceptable surgical risk.

Evaluation focuses on the absence of endocrine etiology such as thyroid malfunction, as well as mental stability, based on no mental illness but also no history of alcohol or drug abuse. You must be aware that bariatric procedures are not quick fixes, making necessary precautions from both sides, doctors and patients to avoid complication risks.

A band is placed through tiny hole in the abdomen and is placed around the upper part of the stomach. The resulting “new stomach” created so that it can only accept a tiny fraction of the amount of food. The band has a balloon from the inside that is adjustable and can reduce stoma size, thus prolonging the period of fullness.

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Prevents Type 2 Diabetes and Arterial Hypertension and Induces Their Remission in Morbid Obesity.


testimonial-icon Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery hospital India.

Hi, I am Charlotte Jones from UK. I got my lapband surgery arranged through Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital in India. I have struggled with trying to keep my weight off for many years. Each time I lost weight, I would balloon up more. After a little research on the internet, I found your website and finally decided to get lapband surgery in India. I followed all their procedures and reached India. This healthcare group was supportive and helped me with medical visas and food and accommodation in India. My surgeon explained me about the surgery and the pre and post operative care. The nurses were amazing and took great care of me. My surgery went smoothly. I am happy to get my lapband surgery arranged through your group and would recommend anyone looking for a high quality, cost-effective surgery to get it done in India.


  • No cutting
  • No stapling
  • Calibrated pouch and stoma size
  • Adjustable without operation
  • Reversible
  • Shorter hospital stay

This procedure involves placing an inflatable silicon band into the patient’s stomach. The band is fastened around the upper stomach to create a new, tiny stomach pouch that limits and controls the amount of food eaten. It also creates a small outlet that slows the emptying process into the stomach and the intestines. As a result, patients experience an earlier sensation of fullness and are satisfied with smaller amounts of food. In turn, this results in weight loss. Since there is no cutting, stapling or stomach re-routing involved in the adjustable band procedure, it is considered the safest and least traumatic compared to other weight-loss surgeries.

Band Adjustment Procedure

The band is connected by tubing to an access port, which is placed in the abdomen below the skin during surgery. After the operation, the surgeon can control the amount of saline in the band by entering the port with a fine needle through the skin. To modify the size of the band, its inner surface can be inflated or deflated with a saline solution. Pregnant women can expand their band to accommodate a growing fetus, while patients who aren’t experiencing significant weight loss can have their bands tightened.

Disadvantages Of Adjustable Gastric Band Surgery

  • Weight loss is slower compared to the sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass procedure.
  • Regular follow-up is required
  • Multiple band adjustments
  • Implanting a foreign body
  • It is not an effective treatment for sweet-eaters.


  • Erosion of the band into the stomach
  • Slippage and esophageal dilation

Recovery Period

  • Hospital stay averages 24 hours.
  • Return to normal activity in 3-4 days.
  • Complete surgical recovery usually occurs in 5 days.

The gastric banding procedure is relatively quick and does not cause much pain as long as the procedure is done by a skillful and experienced gastric surgeon. The gastric bands involved in this kind of surgery are available in various types. Different patients have different conditions, which of course require different procedures. The gastric surgeon is the one who will determine which banding procedure and which gastric band is the most suitable for the patient. After the recovery period of the gastric banding procedure has been done, the gastric surgeon will inject a certain amount of band fills into the band through the patient’s abdomen as required.

Why Choose Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India for Lapband Surgery?

Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India offers the highest quality medical services and has world class facilities that boast the economical pricing, top notch hospitals and robust infrastructures. Our hospital has connections with the best cosmetic and obesity surgery hospitals at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and other places in India. Here we have associations with well trained, qualified and experienced cosmetic and obesity surgeons who understand the needs of the patients well. They provide cosmetic and obesity treatment to their patients at a low cost. Many medical tourists who have visited India to undergo different procedures for both the cosmetic and obesity surgery are highly impressed with the commitment to quality medical services and cheaper pricing.

Cost of Lapband Surgery in India

The cost of cosmetic surgery in India is much lower than what aesthetic surgeries cost in the United States, the United Kingdom and other First World countries. The costs of cosmetic surgery in India are lower because living in India is considerably inexpensive compared to living in the developed countries.

Before and After

lap band surgery
lap band surgery

If you are really seeking for Lapband Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation by our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Lapband Surgery you are seeking for.

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Will I be sick a lot after the operation?

The LAP-BAND System limits food intake. If you feel nauseated or sick on a regular basis, it may mean that you are not chewing your food well or that you are not following the diet rules properly. However, it could also mean that there is a problem with the placement of the band so you should contact us if this problem persists. Vomiting should be avoided as much as possible. It can cause the small stomach pouch to stretch. It can also lead to slippage of part of the stomach through the band, which would reduce the success of the operation. In some cases, it would also require another operation.

How long will it take to recover after surgery?

If LAP-BAND surgery is performed laparoscopically, patients typically spend less than 24 hours in the hospital. It takes most patients about a week to return to work and a month to six weeks to resume exercising. In the case of open surgery or if there are complications, recovery may take longer.

How much weight will I lose?

Weight-loss results vary from patient to patient, and the amount of weight you may lose depends on several things. The band needs to be in the right position, and you need to be committed to your new lifestyle and eating habits. Obesity surgery is not a miracle cure, and the pounds won’t come off by themselves. It is very important to set achievable weight-loss goals from the beginning. A weight loss of 2 to 3 pounds a week in the first year after the operation is possible, but one pound a week is more likely. Twelve to eighteen months after the operation, weekly weight loss is usually less. Remember that you should lose weight gradually. Losing weight too fast creates a health risk and can lead to a number of problems. Your main goal is to have weight loss that prevents, improves, or resolves health problems connected with severe obesity.

How do the weight-loss results with the LAP-BAND compare to those with the gastric bypass?

Patient lose more weight and lose more rapidly with gastric bypass at the expense of more severe surgery. The risk of serious complications and death is higher with bypass. You should focus on long-term weight loss and remember that it is important to lose weight gradually while reducing obesity-related risks and improving your health.

Does the LAP-BAND require frequent office visits after surgery?

Check-ups are a normal and a very important part of the LAP-BAND System follow-up.

Does the LAP-BAND limit any physical activity?

The LAP-BAND does not affect or hamper physical activity, including aerobics, stretching and strenuous exercise.

How is the band adjusted?

Adjustments are often carried out in the X-ray department. They are done there so the access port can be clearly seen. When X-rays are used, your reproductive organs should be shielded. Sometimes adjustments can be done in an outpatient clinic or office. Local anaesthesia may or may not be needed. A fine needle is passed through the skin into the access port to add or subtract saline. This process most often takes only a few minutes. Most patients say it is nearly painless. Adjustments need only be made if the patient is not losing weight or if they have plateaued for a prolonged period.

Do I have to be careful with the access port just underneath my skin?

There are no restrictions based on the access port. It is placed under the skin in the abdominal wall, and once the incisions have healed it should not cause discomfort or limit your movements or any physical exercise. The only sensation you may have from the port is when you go in for adjustments. If you feel persistent discomfort in the port area, let us know as soon as possible.

Can the band be removed?

Although the LAP-BAND System is not meant to be removed, it can be. In some cases this can be done laparoscopically. The stomach generally returns to its original shape once the band is removed. After the removal, though, you may soon go back up to your original weight or even gain more.

Will I need plastic surgery for the surplus skin when I have lost a lot of weight?

That is not always the case. As a rule, plastic surgery will not be considered for at least a year or two after the operation. Sometimes the skin will mold itself around the new body tissue. You should give the skin the time it needs to adjust before you decide to have more surgery.

Is it true that the LAP-BAND seems “tighter” in the morning?

This is a fairly common feeling, especially for people with bands that are tight or just after an adjustment. During the day the water content in the body changes and this may cause the band to feel “tighter” some of the time. Some women have also noticed that the LAP-BAND feels tighter during menstruation.

Will I feel hungry or deprived with the LAP-BAND?

The LAP-BAND makes you eat less and feel full in two ways – by reducing the capacity of your stomach and increasing the time it takes food to get through the digestive system. After a small meal, the amount of which varies from person to person, you should feel full. If you follow the nutrition guidelines when you choose your food and then chew it well, you should not feel hungry or deprived. Remember that the LAP-BAND is a tool to help you change your eating habits.

What will happen if I become ill?

One of the major advantages of the LAP-BAND System is that it can be adjusted. If your illness requires you to eat more, the band can be loosened by removing saline from it. When you have recovered from your illness and want to lose weight again, the band can be tightened by increasing the amount of saline. If the band cannot be loosened enough, it may have to be removed.

What about pregnancy?

Becoming pregnant can be easier as you lose weight. Your menstrual cycle may become more regular. If you need to eat more while you are pregnant, the band can be loosened. After the pregnancy, the band may be made tighter again, and you can resume losing weight.

Will I need to take vitamin supplements?

You may. It’s possible you may not get enough vitamins from three small meals a day. At your regular check-ups, your specialist will evaluate whether you are getting enough vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron. A daily multivitamin containing iron is advisable.

What about other medication?

You should be able to take prescribed medication. You may need to use capsules, break big tablets in half or dissolve them in water so they do not get stuck in the stoma and make you sick. You should always ask the doctor who prescribes the drugs about this.

What if I go out to eat?

Order only a small amount of food, such as an appetizer. Eat slowly. Finish at the same time as your table companions. You might want to let your host or hostess know in advance that you cannot eat very much.

What about alcohol?

Alcohol has a high number of calories. It also breaks down vitamins and causes reflux. An occasional glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage, though, is not considered harmful to weight loss1.

Can I eat anything in moderation?

After your stomach has healed, you may eat most foods that don’t cause you discomfort. However, because you can only eat a little it is important to include foods full of important vitamins and nutrients such as those recommended in the nutrition section of this booklet and as advised by your surgeon and/or dietitian. If you eat foods that contain lots of sugar and fat or take liquid foods full of “empty” calories, such as milkshakes, ice cream and chocolate, the effect of the LAP-BAND may be greatly reduced or cancelled.

Will I suffer from constipation?

There may be some reduction in the volume of your stools, which is normal after a decrease in food intake because you eat less fibre. This should not cause you severe problems. If difficulties do arise, let us know as soon as possible.

Can I choose my own hotels according to my budget?

You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.

Can I speak with the doctor before I come to India for treatment?

You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.

What modes of payment are accepted for getting treatment in India?

We accept different methods of payment like, cash, plastic cash, via net banking, etc.

How will I get an Indian Medical Visa?

To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.

I can only speak my native language?

Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.


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