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Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking Overview
Stem cell therapy is the usage of stems cells in order to prevent certain non-curable disease or condition. There are various types of stem cell therapy, which is used for different diseases. The Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking in India has become popular over a period of time because there are many diseases which can be treated in India using the stem cell therapy. There are many clinical studies and research going on to understand what are the various sources to get the stem cells and how this can be applied to various diseases. All of us think about the future and fat banking is considered as the best decision for securing your health future. The patients get the excess fat removed from the body and deposit them in the fat bank for any future use. There are various technologies available which can freeze the fat and tissue cells.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking Procedure?
Stem cell therapy is generally used for those patients who suffer from terminal illness. This is considered as the last try for those who are suffering from thalassemia, leukemia, spinal cord diseases, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s, macular degeneration. These are just some of the examples which can be cured to a large extent with the help of stem cell therapy. The fat banking is used for patients who are very thin and have tried many options for increasing their weight. They can use the fat to plump different parts of the body with the suggestion of the doctor. You can get Low cost Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking in India. In India there are many hospitals, which offer the stem cell and fat banking therapies.
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery hospital India.
Hi, my name is Samuel Evans from UK. I got my stem cell therapy and fat banking in India at reasonable price through Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India. Last year, I blew out my back racing and decided to wait until fall to get a stem cell treatment, but I blew out my shoulder in another race. I had a partially torn rotator cuff bicep and while searching for the treatment I contacted your website as it offered quality treatments at pocket-friendly prices. They offered me some expert opinions for treatment and I also talked with the doctor over the phone. He sounded nice and a knowledgeable person. I decided to undergo stem cell therapy instead of the surgery. I got my procedures done in India and my physical therapy started three weeks later. It was a wonderful experience. Everyone in the hospital was very kind and caring. I have a great amount of confidence in the medical treatment I received. Thank you to you guys who made the entire process so easy and convenient.
Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking Procedure & Recovery & Effectiveness
There are different types of stem cell therapy and fat banking. The main procedure is to use the embryonic stem cells and store them at a minus degree temperature in the nitrogen. These cells can be stored for a time period of 25 years with the help of various chemicals and technical methods. In order to create more awareness about the embryonic stem cells the hospitals have organized Free Consultation Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking in India.
Why Opting Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking is necessary?
According to the Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking in India reviews it is very important to bank the stem cells of your new born baby. Though a bit expensive to bank these cells they can prove to be a life line for any member of your family or any other patient who is in requirement of these cells.
Why to choose Indian Hospital for your Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking?
Indian hospitals are well-equipped for both these therapies – the best part is that you can more donors in India as compared to other countries and hence one should opt for Indian hospitals. The cost is also comparatively very low.
Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking Cost in India
Cost wise you can get Affordable Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking in India as compared to other countries.
If you are really seeking for Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation by our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Stem Cell Therapy & Fat Banking syou are seeking for.
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Why should a patient choose Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India?
Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India offers the highest quality medical services and has world class facilities that boast the economical pricing, top notch hospitals and robust infrastructures. Our hospital has connections with the best cosmetic and obesity surgery hospitals at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and other places in India. Here we have associations with well trained, qualified and experienced cosmetic and obesity surgeons who understand the needs of the patients well. They provide cosmetic and obesity treatment to their patients at a low cost. Many medical tourists who have visited India to undergo different procedures for both the cosmetic and obesity surgery are highly impressed with the commitment to quality medical services and cheaper pricing.
How do adult stem cells heal?
These adult stem cells are known as “progenitor” cells. This means they remain dormant (do nothing) unless they witness some level of tissue injury. It’s the tissue injury that turns them on. So, when a person has a degenerative type problem, the stem cells tend to go to that area of need and stimulate the healing process. We’re still not sure if they simply change into the type of injured tissue needed for repair or if they send out signals that induces the repair by some other mechanism. Suffice it to say that there are multiple animal models and a plethora of human evidence that indicates these are significant reparative cells.
What diseases and problems can be treated?
This will depend on the type of degenerative condition you have. A specialist will evaluate you and discuss whether you’re a potential candidate for stem cell therapy. If after you’ve been recommended for treatment, had an opportunity to understand the potential risks and benefits, and decided on your own that you would like to explore this avenue of treatment, then you can be considered for treatment. Of course, even though it’s a minimally invasive procedure, you will still need to be medically cleared for the procedure.
Why does patients request stem cell treatment?
Many have been told that they require surgery or other risky treatments for their ailments and are looking for non-invasive options. Some have heard about the compelling testimonials about stem cells in the literature and on various websites. Many have read about the results of stem cell treatments in animal models and in humans.
Why do we use liposuction fat rather than bone marrow as a source of stem cells?
Bone marrow sampling (a somewhat uncomfortable procedure) yields approximately 5,000 – 60,000 cells that are then cultured over several days to perhaps a few million cells prior to deployment (injection into the patient). Recent advances in stem cell science have made it possible to obtain high numbers of very excellent quality multi-potent (able to form numerous other tissues) cells from a person’s own liposuction fat. We use technology acquired from Asia to process this fat to yield approximately five hundred thousand to one million stem cells per cc of fat, and therefore, it is possible to obtain as many as 10 to 40 million cells from a single treatment. These adipose derived stem cells can form many different types of cells when deployed properly, including bone, cartilage, tendon (connective tissue), muscle, blood vessels, nerve tissue and others.
How is the fat obtained?
Our patients have their fat (usually abdominal) harvested in our special sterile treatment facility under a local anesthetic. The fat removal procedure lasts approximately twenty minutes. Specially designed equipment is used to harvest the fat cells and less than 100cc of fat is required. Postoperative discomfort is minimal and there is a minimal restriction on activity.
Can stem cells treat cancer?
Many are confused by this because they have heard of cancer patients receiving “stem cell transplants.” These patients had ablative bone marrow therapy and need stem cells to re-populate their blood and marrow. This is different from the stem cells we deploy to treat noncancerous human diseases.
Can stem cells cause cancer?
Adult mesenchymal stem cells are not known to cause cancer. Some patients have heard of stories of cancer caused by stem cells, but these are probably related to the use of embryonic cells (Not Adult Mesenchymal Cells). These embryonic tumors known as teratomas are rare but possible occurrences when embryonic cells are used.
What about patients with known cancers?
Stem cell therapy is thought to be safe and not affect dormant cancers. If someone has had cancer that was treated and responded successfully, there is no reason to withhold stem cell deployment. In most cases, stem cells should not be used in patients with known active cancer.
How are the cells deployed into a patient?
Depending on the type of treatment required, stem cells can be injected through veins, arteries, into the spinal fluid, subcutaneously, or directly into joints or organs. All of these are considered minimally invasive methods of introducing the stem cells.
Can I be expected to improve after stem cell treatment?
Different conditions are treated in different ways and there are different degrees of success. If the goal is the regeneration of joint cartilage, one may not see expected results until several months after treatment. Some patients may not experience significant improvement and others may see dramatic regeneration of damaged tissue or resolution of disease. Many of the disorders and problems that the physicians are treating represent pioneering work and there is a lack of data.
How long does it take to see improvement?
Stem cell therapy relies on the body’s own regenerative healing to occur. The regenerative process may take time, particularly with orthopedic patients, who may not see results for several months. In some diseases, more immediate responses are possible.
Is everyone a candidate?
Only certain medical problems are currently being treated at CSN. Check our list or fill out a candidate application form on the website. All patients need to be medically stable enough to have the treatment in our facility. There may be some exceptional conditions that may eventually be treated in hospitalized patients, but that remains for the future. Some patients may be declined due to the severity of their problem. Other patients may not have conditions appropriate to treat or may not be covered by our specialists or our protocols. A waiting list or outside referral (if we know of someone else treating such a problem) might be applicable in such cases.
Can I choose my own hotels according to my budget?
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
Can I speak with the doctor before I come to India for treatment?
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
What modes of payment are accepted for getting treatment in India?
We accept different methods of payment like, cash, plastic cash, via net banking, etc.
How will I get an Indian Medical Visa?
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.
I can only speak my native language?
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.
Benefits Stem Cell Treatment in India, Cost Stem Cell Treatment in India, Fat banking Cost Stem Cell Treatment in India, For Fat Stem Cell Therapy in India,