Chemical Peel Overview
It is a chemical procedure, which removes the outer layers of the skin on the face. This results in freshening of the skin, removal of some sunspots and rough, scaly patches, reduced freckles and irregular pigmentation and fine wrinkles. The procedure is safe and most effective on the face. Chemical peeling can be light, medium and deep depending on the requirement. It is a non surgical treatment.
A peel is a technique use to remove of damaged, unhealthy, dull or aged skin to reveal newer, softer and younger looking skin. You need a dermatologist to evaluate your skin and the application should be done by a trained dermatologist.
Solutions of different types can be used, They cause the skin to exfoliate and peel off and the new skin regrows. This may help to remove blackheads, whiteheads, superficial scars and mild pigmentation. The new skin is smoother and has a radiant glow.
What Are The Types Of Peels?
Common types are:
- glycolic acid(alpha hydroxyl acid)
- trichloroacetic acid(TCA)
- Jessner’s solutions
Chemical Peeling Advised To
Normally Chemical Peeling is advised in following conditions:
- wrinkled face
- face dotted with liver spots(lentigines), age and Sun spots, freckles or sploching
- face having a dull texture and color
- fine wrinkles
- brown marks
- scaly patches
- Sun-damaged skin
- uneven skin pigmentation
Kinds Of Skins
Deep chemical peel has become more popular because it is a simple procedure that’s inexpensive and gives quick as well as good results. There are different types of chemical peels in line with the patient’s skin condition as well as expected outcomes.
Gentle or superficial skins are performed using options associated with glycolic acid, lactic acid, or salicylic acid to get rid of good facial lines and lessen rough pores and skin.
Medium skins use trichloroacetic acid to remove facial lines, superficial imperfections as well as skin tones issues. This therapy can be used on the encounter, throat and the body. It is actually recommended for darker-skinned patients.
Heavy deep chemical peel or even phenol peel off is performed only once, unlike another kinds of skins which can be repetitive several times. A deep deep chemical peel may remove coarse facial lines as well as pre-cancerous abnormal growths.
Who Is A Good Candidate For A Chemical Peel?
Generally, fair-skinned and light-haired patients are ideal candidates for chemical peels. Darker skin types may also have good results, depending upon the type of problem encountered, but are at a greater risk of uneven pigmentation after the peel.
Chemical Peels — How Are They Carried Out?
- The chemical peel can be carried out inside a doctor’s room.
- Your skin is actually completely cleaned to remove excess essential oil.
- The eyes and locks are protected. A chemical substance solution that contains glycolic acid, salicylic acid, hydroxy acid, trichloroacetic acid, lactic acid, or Carbolic acid is applied to small areas of your skin. The outcome is a controlled wound that enables brand new skin to look.
- Based upon the type of deep chemical peel used, sufferers may feel the response much like too much Sun.
- Medium as well as deep skins may lead to inflammation as well as sore spots that split, crust, change dark brown and remove in a single to 2 days.
- You have to steer clear of Sun damage after a chemical peel to safeguard the new skin. Bandages might be placed within the treated skin following the process. Proper follow-up treatment is important to avoid the introduction of abnormal skin tone.
Before going for a chemical peel make sure the results you anticipate can be achieved by the treatment.
your skin doctor will be able to provide you with the advice as well as treatment you need.
How Are Chemical Peels Performed?
A chemical peel can be performed in a doctor’s office or in a surgery center as an outpatient procedure. The skin is thoroughly cleansed with an agent that removes excess oils, and the eyes and hair are protected. One or more chemical solutions, such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or carbolic acid (phenol), are applied to the skin.
Prior to the chemical peel, your doctor may ask you to stop taking certain drugs, and prepare your skin with topical preconditioning medications such as Retin A®, Renova®, or glycolic acid. After the chemical peel, it’s important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day.
24 hours before procedure: If you have been prescribed oral antibiotics or an oral antiviral medicine, you should begin taking those.
Day of peel: You will need preparation time for washing and scrubbing. Additionally, you will also need time for any sedation(which is optional).
The Procedure
During a chemical peel, the physician applies the solution to small areas on the skin. These applications produce a controlled wound, enabling new, regenerated skin to appear.
During the procedure, most patients experience a warm to somewhat hot sensation that lasts about five to 10 minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. Cool compresses may be applied to help alleviate this stinging. A deeper peel may require pain medication during or after the procedure.
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This is a safe and short procedure and generally does not require any anesthesia. Several types of chemical formulations are available for use. Some of the common chemicals in use are AHA(Alpha hydroxyl acid) – used for light peeling, TCA (trichloroacetic acid) – used for moderate peeling and Phenol – used for deep peeling. Depending on the condition to be treated a chemical is carefully selected by the surgeon and applied on the face.
To avoid skin damage it is recommended that a surgeon and NOT A BEAUTICIAN carry out this procedure.
Period Of Treatment
It takes about 15 minutes to cover a previously cleansed face with the chemical formulation. Between 1 to 2 hours the peel is removed. No hospitalization is generally required.
Post Operative Treatment
Recovery is fast and generally un-complicated. Depending on the chemical formulation used some ointment may or may not be recommended. Temporary conditions of swelling, redness, dryness irritation or stinging sensation either subside on their own or are controlled by light medication.
Types Of Chemical Peel And Summer Skin Care Treatment
- Alpha hydroxy acid peels (AHA): This treatment involves usage of carboxylic acids that are naturally available. Various acids like Citric(citrus fruits), lactic acid (milk products), glycolic acid (sugar derived) etc concentrations are used with a facial wash to clean up the face. The treatment is usually done for patients who have blemishes on face.
- Beta hydroxy acid peels (BHA): These acid concentrations are used to treat patients who have oily face as the acids have the capability to get deeper into pores to clear impurities and reduce oil on skin.
- Retinoic acid peel: The chemical peel uses retinoid and can remove scars, wrinkles and pigmentation problems successfully. A better treatment than BHA. Retinoid get deeper into the skin pores resulting in peeling of the skin in a few days.
- Trichloroacetic acid peels:For dark skinned patients, this treatment is advised the best as it penetrates into the dermis of the skin. Removes all kinds of pigmentation skin problems. Requires protection from Sun for months. Not advised for deep scars on face.
- Jessner’s peel: The chemical peel treatment was pioneered by a dermatologist called Dr. Max Jessner. The treatment constitutes with salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol in an ethanol base. The treatment is very mild and can undergone by patients with sensitive skin.
- Phenol peels: It is the deepest skin peel treatment phenol with croton oil is proved to penetrate deeper layers of the skin and the treatment is said to be long lasting. However, the peeling treatment is painful and is performed with an anesthesia.
Whatever the treatment is, it has to be performed under the supervision of a dermatologist.
What Should Be Expected After The Chemical Peel?
Depending upon the type of chemical peel, a reaction similar to sunburn occurs following a chemical peel. Peeling usually involves redness, followed by scaling that ends within three to seven days. Mild peels may be repeated at one to four-week intervals until the desired clinical effect is achieved.
Medium-depth and deep peeling may result in swelling and the presence of water blisters that may break, crust, turn brown, and peel off over a period of seven to 14 days. Medium-depth peels may be repeated in six to twelve months, if necessary.
You will work with your dermatologist to determine the depth of your peel. This joint decision can vary, depending upon the condition of your skin and the objectives of treatment.
It is important to avoid over-exposure to the Sun after a chemical peel since the new skin is fragile and more susceptible to complications. The dermatologic surgeon will prescribe the proper follow-up care to reduce the tendency to develop abnormal skin color after peeling.
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Before and After
What Are The Possible Complications Of Chemical Peels?
In certain skin types, there is a risk of developing a temporary or permanent color change in the skin. Taking birth control pills, subsequent pregnancy, or family history of brownish discoloration on the face may increase the possibility of developing abnormal pigmentation.
Although low, there is a risk of scarring in certain areas of the face, and certain individuals may be more prone to scarring. If scarring does occur, it can usually be treated with good results.
There is a small risk of reactivation of cold sores (Herpes infection) in patients with a history of Herpes outbreaks. This problem is treated with medication as prescribed by the dermatologic surgeon. Your doctor may also choose to give you medication before, or immediately after, the peel in order to prevent a Herpes outbreak. Prior to treatment, it is important for a patient to inform the physician of any past history of keloids (scar tissue overgrowth created at the site of a skin injury), or unusual scarring tendencies, listing of X-ray treatments to the face, or recurring cold sores.
Why Choose Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India for Chemical Peel?
Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India offers the highest quality medical services and has world class facilities that boast the economical pricing, top notch hospitals and robust infrastructures. Our hospital has connections with the best cosmetic and obesity surgery hospitals at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and other places in India. Here we have associations with well trained, qualified and experienced cosmetic and obesity surgeons who understand the needs of the patients well. They provide cosmetic and obesity treatment to their patients at a low cost. Many medical tourists who have visited India to undergo different procedures for both the cosmetic and obesity surgery are highly impressed with the commitment to quality medical services and cheaper pricing.
Our Treated Patient Experience – Ms. Loyola White from Australia came to India for her Chemical Peeling Process.

My grandmother has an OCD about her skin and when her skin started looking dead, she started panicking a lot. Though she adopted many home remedies to ensure that her skin would rejuvenate, it was quite tiring to apply all those products and massage in her age. I connected her with Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Group in India and I must say she just cannot stop praising about the kind of treatment she received during her chemical peeling process in the hospital. The doctor made sure that she was available to answer all my grandmother’s queries and not leave the room unless she was finished with her doubts and trust me the people who know my granny knows she always have lots of questions.
Cost of Chemical Peel in India
The cost of cosmetic surgery in India is much lower than what aesthetic surgeries cost in the United States, the United Kingdom and other First World countries. The costs of cosmetic surgery in India are lower because living in India is considerably inexpensive compared to living in the developed countries.
If you are really seeking for Chemical Peel, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation by our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Chemical Peel you are seeking for.
Chemical peels produce controlled injury to the skin, which promote growth of new skin and improved appearance. A variety of chemicals can be used as peeling agents and include glycolic, trichloroacetic (TCA), salicylic and resorcinol. The different chemical solutions produce different degrees of injury to the skin.
Chemical peels are used for the treatment of photo-aging (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, precancerous lesions, and discoloration (including melasma, freckles, and age spots).
There are numerous chemical peels and each one is performed differently. In general, chemical peels usually begin with vigorous cleansing of the skin, followed by application of the appropriate peel.
Glycolic Acid – probably due to the fact that all skin types benefit from Glycolic Acid – is the most commonly recognized chemical peel solution. Salicylic Acid is also very common for use in combatting the causes of oily skin and breakouts.
Most peels can be performed within a few minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.
The state of your skin after a peel depends on the type of chemical used and your skin type. Superficial peels have limited effects. Medium peels may cause some redness and the deeper peels may require 10-14 days to recover.
Generally, chemical peels are done once every 2-3 weeks, until the desired results are achieved. Maintenance peels can then be performed once a month.
With good sun protection, results can last months, even years. This is dependent upon the depth of the peel. The deeper peels generally provide a long-lasting effect.
Superficial peels are quite safe, although minor irritation of the skin can occur. The risk of deep peels can include infection, scarring, redness, and discoloration. During a very deep peel (administered under the care of a physician only), anesthesia should be used and vital signs monitored.
- Light Peels– The light peel takes approximately three to five days to complete the shedding process. No downtime required.
- Medium Peels– Medium peels usually persist for five to seven days. The skin may or may not flake and fall away. AHAs can produce some redness with little or no flaking, depending on the individual.
- Deep Peels– May take several weeks to fully recover. This type of peel is usually effective in treating hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles.
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There are numerous chemical peels and each one is performed differently. In general, chemical peels usually begin with vigorous cleansing of the skin, followed by application of the appropriate peel.
Glycolic Acid – probably due to the fact that all skin types benefit from Glycolic Acid – is the most commonly recognized chemical peel solution. Salicylic Acid is also very common for use in combatting the causes of oily skin and breakouts.
Most peels can be performed within a few minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.
The state of your skin after a peel depends on the type of chemical used and your skin type. Superficial peels have limited effects. Medium peels may cause some redness and the deeper peels may require 10-14 days to recover.
Generally, chemical peels are done once every 2-3 weeks, until the desired results are achieved. Maintenance peels can then be performed once a month.
With good sun protection, results can last months, even years. This is dependent upon the depth of the peel. The deeper peels generally provide a long-lasting effect.
Superficial peels are quite safe, although minor irritation of the skin can occur. The risk of deep peels can include infection, scarring, redness, and discoloration. During a very deep peel (administered under the care of a physician only), anesthesia should be used and vital signs monitored.
Light Peels- The light peel takes approximately three to five days to complete the shedding process. No downtime required.
Medium Peels- Medium peels usually persist for five to seven days. The skin may or may not flake and fall away. AHAs can produce some redness with little or no flaking, depending on the individual.
Deep Peels– May take several weeks to fully recover. This type of peel is usually effective in treating hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles.
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
We accept different methods of payment like, cash, plastic cash, via net banking, etc.
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.