Dimple Creation Overview
Dimple Creation in India is a process where surgically permanent dimples are created. In this procedure, a small, painless incision is made in the inside of your cheek. There is no form of a scar on the outside of the skin. It can be done on any type or size cheek as some of them are better candidates than the others.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Dimple Creation Procedure?
Every individual except those with the following risk factors are suitable for this surgery
- Bleeding disorders
- Patients with a history of medical problems
Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India
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- +91-9373055368 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
Dimple Creation Procedure & Recovery & Effectiveness
Dimple Creation in India reviews confirms the fact local anesthesia is more than enough. One will be awake and comfortable during the entire process of surgery. It takes round about 20 minutes to perform the surgery and one can go home right after the procedure. Minimum complications are bound to arise, though some amount of bruising and swelling is observed. One should be able to resume their normal activities after the day of the surgery. You will be administered antibiotics a couple of days after the surgery.
Why Opting Dimple Creation is necessary?
The dimples on the cheeks are considered cute by many and with this the demand for surgically created dimples is on the rise. This is coupled with the fact that “dimple” is considered as a sign of beauty in Indian culture.
Free Consultation Dimple Creation in India states that it results in permanent dimple formation 90 % of the time. It is a relatively easy and a painless way to form a dimple for those who always wanted one. It is bound to change your appearance for the better and enhance your personality in the best possible manner. It is safe and effective, but also potentially reversible.
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Dimple Creation?
India is one country which has made rapid strides in the medical world. The Indian doctors are the leading practitioners in the field of medicine across the world. Patients from different parts of the globe are coming to the country for treatment and one of the reasons for this is Low cost Dimple Creation in India. Since it is an elective form of surgery, in the western countries the cost of the surgery shoots up considerably and the same can be done in India at a fraction of a cost.
Our Treated Patient Experience – Ms. Corina Ledger from Netherlands came to India for her Dimple Creation Procedure.

Cheek dimples always seemed so fascinating to me and as a kid I always used to stand in front of the mirror and pretend that I have dimples so when I grew up and had enough savings, the first thing I wanted to get was dimples created. However, having read and heard about so many cases where the cosmetic surgeries have gone wrong and completely destroyed the look of face, I was really thorough while searching the doctor. I consulted a lot of cosmetologists from different countries before deciding to go with Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Group from India who seemed to have impressed me the most with the way they made me feel and ease during our conversations. And voila! Not just me, everybody loves my dimples now.
Dimple Creation Cost in India
Affordable Dimple Creation in India has created flutters among both men and women. The process takes about 30 minutes on a cheek and the price may range in the bracket of Rs 8000 to Rs 10000. Two procedures are available which are laser and surgery. The basic philosophy which the plastic surgeons work upon is that the surgeons create artificial dimples on the cheeks. The beauty of this is that it can be performed on any form of cheek whether it is chubby or not.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Before and After
If you are really seeking for Dimple Creation, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation by our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Dimple Creation you are seeking for.
Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India offers the highest quality medical services and has world class facilities that boast the economical pricing, top notch hospitals and robust infrastructures. Our hospital has connections with the best cosmetic and obesity surgery hospitals at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and other places in India. Here we have associations with well trained, qualified and experienced cosmetic and obesity surgeons who understand the needs of the patients well. They provide cosmetic and obesity treatment to their patients at a low cost. Many medical tourists who have visited India to undergo different procedures for both the cosmetic and obesity surgery are highly impressed with the commitment to quality medical services and cheaper pricing.
In some cultures, the dimples are considered a sign of good luck and prosperity. Also, the dimples help brighten a smile and add character. Many patients state that one of their siblings or close friends have a dimple and they are happy to know that dimple surgery is available to give them that option as well. Dimple creation surgery is a relatively easy and painless way to form a dimple for those people who have always wanted one. Will having a dimple change your life or bring you better luck? That has not been scientifically proven. As with any other surgery that might change your appearance. For more details to make sure that dimple creation surgery is right for you, contact us by filling up our free consultation form.
The procedure is normally done under local anaesthetics as a day case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes of surgical time.
The dimple creation procedure is not an exact science. It is not possible to predict accurately the depth, size and shape of the dimples. However, the majority of our patients are satisfied with the results.
The cost of Dimple creation will vary from person to person. But it should include doctor’s Operating fee, Anesthesia fee, medicine expenses, and Hospital facilities charges. For the latest and most transparent pricing for dimple creation surgery, please call us at +91-9860432255 or fill up the form.