Contact Number: + 91 – 9373055368
Specialty: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
Location: Chennai
Nationality: Indian
Languages spoken: Hindi,English
Gender: Male
- Qualification: MBBS,FRCS (Glasgow)
- Bachelors Degree: MBBS -Govt. Stanley Medical College Madras. Tamil Nadu ,1977 – 1983
- Masters Degree: FRCS (Glasgow) Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow,1984 – 1990
- Various training posts in the UK leading to the award of FRCS and the certification in plastic surgery by (BAPS) and RCS England,1986 – 1994
- Special training visits to Paris France, New York USA and Oxford, England for advanced craniofacial and research techniques.
- I provide medical and surgical services to medical camps conducted by Chinmaya mission, Ayyappan seva samaj and other voluntary organisations
Special Interest: Endoscopic Plastic Surgery – an emerging field.
- Executive member of the Indian Society for the surgery of the hand
- Life member Association of surgeons of India.
- Life Associate member Association of plastic surgeons of India
- Life member Diabetic Foot Society of India.
- Life member Indian Medical Association.
- Life member Madras Chapter Otorhinolaryngologists.
- Life member Chennai chapter of Plasticsurgeons.
- PCT applications Co-inventor Pedopowergraph Jointly with IIT Madras and Sundaram Medical Foundation, Chennai.
- Patent for healing footwear in Diabetic foot.
- Patent for prevention of ulcers in Diabetic foot.
- Patent for Design of the Footwear.
Awards & Achievements:
- Old students prize for Proficiency in Microbiology 1980.
- Old students prize for Proficiency in Pathology 1980.
- Prize memorial Prize for Medicine 1982.
- AKN Menon Gold Medal for Radiology 1981
- Tamil Nadu State prize for Tuberculosis 1982.
- Prize for Leprosy – 1st prize 1982.
- Surgical Clinical Exam prize – 2nd place 1981
- Certification: Certification in Plastic Surgery,British Association of Plastic Surgeons (BAPS) and Royal college of Surgeons of England ( RCS England.) ,1990- 1993
International Journals
- Patil, K M., Bhat, M. V., Bhatia, M. M., Narayanamurthy, V. B., and Parivalavan, R, ” New on-line methods for analysis of walking foot pressures in diabetic neuropathy”, Frontiers of Medical and Biological Engg., The Netherlands, VoJ.9, No.1, 1999,49-62.
- Prabhu, KG., Patil, K M. and Srinivasan, S., Narayanamurthy, V.B., Parivalavan, R., ” Diabetic feet at different levels of neuropathy: An artificial neural network model for foot classification”, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, USA, Vol. 13 (1-2), 2001, 79-89.
- Thomas, V. J., Patil, K M., Radhakrishnan, S., Narayanamurthy, V.B.,Parivalavan, R, “The role of skin hardness, thickness, and sensory loss on standing foot power in the development of plantar ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus- A preliminary study”, International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, UK, VoI.2(3), 2003, 132-139.
- Charanya, G., Patil, KM., Thomas, V.J., Narayanamurthy, V.B.Parivalavan R and.Visvanath K, “Standing foot pressure image analysis for variation on foot sole soft tissue properties and levels of diabetic neuropathy”, Innovation and Technology in Biology and Medicine. ITBM¬RBM, Vol.25 , 2004, 23-33.
- Charanya, G., Patil, K M., Narayanamurthy, V. B., Parivalavan, R, 5 Visvanathan, K, “Effect of foot sole hardness, thickness and footwear on foot pressure distribution parameters in diabetic neuropathy”, Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs. Vol.218 Part H: J. Engineering in Medicine, 2004, 431 – 443. 6 Periyasamy, R., Manivannan, M., Narayanamurthy. V B,. “Changes in two point discrimination and law of mobility in diabetic foot patients” J Brachial plexus and peripheral Inj Jan 2008 29; 3:3.
- Prabhu, K.G., Agrawal, D, Patil, K.M., Narayanamurthy, V.B. and Parivalavan, R, “New methods of walking foot pressure analysis for different levels of diabetic neuropathy and footwear for prevention of plantar ulcers”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Biomedical Engineering, MIT, Manipal, April 9-11, 1998, pp VIII-3 to 5. (Received the best paper Award).
- Charanya, G., Patil, KM., Murthy, V.B.N., Parivalavan, R, ” Power ratio of foot pressure distribution – an advanced parameter for early detection of diabetic foot at risk” 1 st Annual Conference: Diabetic Foot Society of India, Bangalore, 7 – 8, December, 20023.
- Charanya, G., Visvanath, K., Murthy, V.B.N., Parivalavan, R, Patil, K “Is reduced sole thickness a precursor of foot ulceration in diabetics? ‘1 st Annual Conference: Diabetic Foot Society of India, Bangalore, 7- 8,December, 2002.
- Thomas, V.J., Patil, KM., Radhakrishnan, S., Venkatesh, B., Murthy, V.B.N., Parivalavan, R, ‘ Optimal therapeutic footwear in diabetics – A computer simulated analysis’ 1 st Annual Conference: Diabetic Foot Society of India, Bangalore, 7- 8, December, 2002 (Invited Lecture).
- Thomas,’ V. J., Patil, K M., Radhakrishnan, S., Narayanamurthy, V. B., Parivalavan, R, “Prevention of diabetic foot ulcer using therapeutic footwear -Finite element stress analysis” Diabetic Foot Society of India’s II Annual conference, Pune , Sept 20-21, 2003
- Manika, P., Patit, KM., Balasubramanian., Narayanamurthy, V. B., and Parivalavan, R, II Foot Sole Soft Tissue Characterization in Diabetic Neuropathy Using Texture Analysisll, Proceedings of the Biomechanics Conference, I.I.T, Delhi, ,Dec.2004, pp 26-33.
Lectures delivered:
- 2004 -“Pressure measurement in diabetic foot – Indigenous and original research” 3rd National Diabetic foot society of India conference Jaipur India
- 2005 – “Plastic surgical reconstruction in diabetic foot” 4th National Diabetic foot Society of India. Cochin India. Also Conducted a workshop on wound healing.
- 2005 – “Diabetic foot infections” – All India Orthopedic Surgeons conference held at Chennai – attended by over 5000 delegates.
- 2006- “Surveillance, Prevention and Reconstruction of diabetic foot ulcers” – National meeting of the Society of Endocrine surgeons of India. Kanyakumari India
- 2006- “Mechanical offloading in Diabetic Foot”- 7th “wound healing, Science and Industry” St Thomas Islands US. Invited by Peter Sheehan, Past President, the American Diabetes Association
- 2004,2005, 2006- Invited Faculty for the National distance education programme in Diabetes by Annamalai University attended by over 400 delegates from all over the country.
- 2007 “Managing diabetic Foot” at the Association of Surgeons of India Nagerkoil Chapter.
- 2008 Invited Faculty for the 7th National diabetic foot society of India meeting. Oct 08 to be held at Kolkatta.
- 2008 Invited faculty North of England Medical Education meeting 5th Dec 2008 To talk on Diabetic Foot In addition I give lectures at various medical colleges , doctors associations which includes GPs, Orthopedic surgeons, General surgeons and occasionally Plastic surgeons and also some of the well known NGOs like Lions Club and Rotary Club meetings.
departments: Cosmetic & Obesity
positions: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery