Contact Number: + 91 – 9373055368
Specialty: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
Location: Hyderabad
Nationality: Indian
Languages spoken: Hindi,English
Gender: Male
- Qualification: M.CH(Plastic Surgery) from University of Delhi – SAFDARJUNG Hospital DNB (Plastic Surgery) from National Board of Examinations, New Delhi
- Medical College: Stanley Medical College,Tamil Nadu
- Master Degree: GSVM Medical college.Kanpur, UP Delhi University
Special Interest:
- Microsurgery
- Hand surgeries
- Breast surgeries
- Abdominoplasty
- Liposuction
- Aesthetic surgery
- Facial and Maxillo-facial surgery
- Burns Surgery
- Diabetic foot surgery and salvage
- Cranio-Maxillofacial burns
- Re-constructive surgery
Past Positions:
- Junior Resident,Dept of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Delhi
- Junior Resident in LLRM Hospital, Kanpur
- Senior Resident in sri Mahant Indiresh Hospital
- Senior Resident, Safdurgunj Hospital, New delhi
- Registrar-Plastic surgery in Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore
- Consultant-Plastic & Reconstructive surgeon at Shri Mahanat Indiresh Hospital, Dehradun
- Association OF Plastic Surgeons of India
- Life member of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Life member of Indian society for Reconstructive Micro surgery
Conferences & Workshops Attended:
- Attended the workshop on “Total Knee Replacement” in February 2002 in Lucknow
- Attended the workshop on “Interlocking Nail Humerus” In January 2003 in agra
- Attended the workshop on ” Medpore Ear Reconstruction” Nov 2006 in Delhi
- Microsurgery skill course in 2008
- Microsurgery course in 2009
- Internatinal perforator flap course in coimbatore 2008
- Ethicon breast course in 2009
- Advanced microsurgery observorship in taiwan 2010
- Oncorecon workshop in mumbai tata memorial hospital in 2011
- Ao course on craniomaxillofacial principles course in mumbai 2011
- Ao course on orbital and periorbital trauma in 2011
- 2nd international aesthetic surgery course in mumbai 2007
- 5th international aesthetic surgery course in mumbai 2011
- Indian orthopaedic association conference in patna 2002
- Uttar pradesh orthopaedic association conference in 2003
- International brachial plexus conference in bangalore 2011
- Association of plastic surgeons conference in jaipur 2004
- Association of plastic surgeons conferenct in delhi in 2005
- Indian society for reconstructive microsurgery 2006
- Association of plastic surgeons conference in goa in 2011
- Association of plastic surgeons conference in goa 2010
- Association of plastic surgeons conference in chennai in 2009
- International aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgeons conference in delhi 2009
Papers presented:
- An Epidemiological study of low back pain with special reference ot osteoporosis in Agra In UPCON 2003.
Toe to Thumb transfer in complete thumb loss in ISRM 2006 in COIMBATORE - Severe post burn flexion contractures of hand and palm : Micro vascular free flap is a better option in ISRM 2006 in COIMBATORE
- IST Metacarpal artery flap for Ist web Space Contractures a valuable Option (APSI Best Paper) in APSICON 2006 in Hyderabad.
- Single stage reconstruction of severe post burn ectropion and Post Burn Alopecia Eye brow with partly hair bearing flap. In APSICON 2005
- DIABETIC FOOT – http://diabeticfootsalvage.blogspot.in
- LOWER LIMB INJURIES – http://crushinjury.blogspot.in
- UPPER LIMB INJURIES – http://traumahand.blogspot.in
- SCALP LOSS – http://scalplosstraumatic.blogspot.in/
- BREAST SURGERIES – http://breastsurgeries.blogspot.in/
- BURNS – http://burnssurgery.blogspot.in/
departments: Cosmetic & Obesity
positions: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery