Overweight and obesity are a significant concern in both developing and developed countries. A person is said to be obese if he/she weighs more than 20% of his/her ideal weight. The most accepted indicator for predicting the overall health and nutritional status of a person is Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by weight of the person in kilograms divided by the height of the person in meters squared (Kg/m2). Obesity is defined as the BMI of 30 and above. With 650 million adults being obese globally, the magnitude of the problem can be realized especially in the backdrop of the WHO declaring obesity as an epidemic condition. An epidemic is the rapid spread of a disease to a large number of people within a period of time. Obesity is spreading fast in India with nearly 135 million individuals being affected by it. Obesity is a significant risk factor for many life-threatening diseases like cardiovascular disease.
Bariatric Surgery or weight loss surgery as it is commonly known is a ray of hope for all the people who have tried various methods of weight loss without any success. Though weight loss surgery can be a lifesaving procedure there are multiple myths prevalent about it. Let’s consider the top 7 facts and myths about weight loss surgery.

Myth 1 – Bariatric Surgery is a Cosmetic surgery to remove fat from the body.
Weight loss surgery is different from the process of fat removal from the body. The surgery for removing the fat from a specific part of the body is called liposuction and usually is used for cosmetic purposes, i.e. to get a better shape and look of body.
The weight loss surgery, on the other hand, is grounded on the principle of limiting the intake of amount of food and nutrients. The other differentiating factor is that there is no weight loss in cosmetic surgery.
Myth 2 – Bariatric Surgery is very risky.
Obesity can be morbid i.e. there can be high risk of a person dying due to the diseases caused by obesity. Whereas the risk of a person dying due to the complications of weight loss surgery is comparatively lower than the risk of dying due to any other operative procedure. Usually the risk of dying is as low as 1 in 1000 patients. The weight loss surgery is actually a lifesaving surgery as the longevity of a person is inversely proportional to the size of the body.
Myth 3- People who choose bariatric surgery don’t have willpower.
This is the most common misconception. But the fact is otherwise. The people planning to undergo this surgery have been trying various ways and means of losing weight consistently. It is not the lack of their will power or commitment but the failure of all their efforts that makes them think of the weight loss surgery as the last and most efficient option. Also a lot of willpower is required to follow the modified food and lifestyle habits advised after undergoing the surgery.
Myth 4 – Bariatric surgery is a quick and easy fix for rapid weight loss.
The lifelong commitment to alter the food habits and lifestyle changes that are essential to maintain the weight after undergoing the weight loss surgery prove that this is no quick fix solution for weight loss.
Myth 5- Weight loss after the surgery is permanent.
This is a major myth about the weight loss surgery. But the fact is a strict lifestyle needs to be followed post-surgery to maintain the weight. There is always a possibility of a minor weight gain that needs to be taken are of with vigil.
Myth 6 You won’t be able to eat anything that tastes good after WLS.
Sweet food can cause nausea and dizziness in persons who have undergone gastric bypass procedure. With a caution of the amount of food that one consumes, you can eat any of your favorite food post-surgery. Foods with high calories must be strictly avoided. But you can keep on exploring various new food combinations.
Myth 7 – Women should undergo Bariatric surgery only after they have finished with childbearing.
Obesity is by far one of the major reasons of women being unable to conceive. These women are in fact advised to undergo weight loss surgery. Pregnancy immediately after the surgery is not permitted as there may be a shortage of absorption of essential and required minerals. Normally a stable weight can be attained after one or two years of undergoing the surgery. Conception at that time is permissible.
If your obesity or weight issues are bothering you and impacting your health, do write to us at enquiry@cosmeticandobesitysurgeryhospitalindia.com
Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India along with a team of skilled bariatric surgeons is the most renowned name in providing quality weight loss surgeries at affordable rate.