Effective Types of Cosmetic Surgery – 2025

By | May 10, 2016

Cosmetic surgery deals with shaping up your body for aesthetic reasons. This may not necessarily fix any ailment in your body but certainly does make a person aesthetically like reducing the extra fat over his or her tummy, lifting the breast of women to improve their figure and so on. let’s check some of the effective types of cosmetic surgery as under:

Tummy Tuck

Tummy TuckThis surgery is also called as Abdominoplasty, which helps a person to reshape the abdomen area and make it firm. During this surgical procedure, the surgeon simply removes the excess amount of skin and thus the fats are removed over the lower and middle abdomen areas with the idea making the muscles tight. This surgery is more common among the women especially after the pregnancy and helps them to lose good amount of weight avoid sagging resulting from delivery. This surgery helps in improving the appearance over the stretch marks especially the ones who are found below the navel.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid SurgeryThis surgery is also called as Blepharoplasty, which helps in reshaping the eyelids or permanent eyeliner that is applied. This procedure simply helps in either for the cosmetic or functional reasons or both. The purpose is to simply reshape the lower or upper the eyelid by simply removing/repositioning excess amount of tissues. It can even help in reinforcing the surrounding tendons and muscles. As per experts, this surgery helps in improving upon the vision for people without actually drooping eyelids.

Breast Enlargement

Breast EnlargementThis surgery is also known as breast augmentation and boob job. This surgery helps in enlarging the breasts, which is among the common procedures found in cosmetic surgery. This is carried out either with fat grafting or with the help of saline/silicone gen prosthetics. Generally these are carried out simply due to the fact that the woman feels that her breast are very much small, however, if anyone is having a small size breast and the other bigger then this surgery can help in making the breast in proper proportion. At times this surgery called the breast implants are also used to remove the breast cancer. This surgery helps in boosting up the confidence of the woman undergoing the same claims the experts.


LiposuctionThis surgery deals with removing the extra fat in your body with the help of suction. During this procedure, you can find the thin, small and blunt tipped tubes inside the small size incision and then the fats are sucked from it. This surgery therefore helps in killing the fat deposits and in the recent times, this cosmetic procedure has become more simple, secured and less painful. In this way, your body is reshaped with this procedure making things aesthetically beautiful for the women and men undergoing for the same.


MastopexyThis procedure is also called as breast lift, which helps in making the figure tight and presentable. The skin over the breast becomes lose due to the lack of elasticity, and with the gravity the breasts are seen going down. There are other reasons to this problem, overweight, pregnancy and breastfeeding, which together hamper the firmness of the breast. All such women then need a cosmetic surgery called the breast lift. This surgery helps in lifting the breast, which raises the breasts to the previous levels. In this way, the women going for the surgery helps in getting youthful contour and at times, the women need to go for the breast augmentation over the same time.

Winding up

There are many cosmetic surgeries available in the medical sciences, however, not all can be enlisted here in this article. However, the aim or purpose of these procedures are simple, these help in enhancing the shapes of your body and make them more presentable. The above are some of the effective types of cosmetic surgery.